Logistics Services


Transport and Freight Management

International Freight and Customs Advice


Logistics Channel Design


Air Freight & Sea Freight Logistics Cons


GSCMS Logistics Management is a world class, international air freight and sea freight logistics consulting company. A comprehensive knowledge of international air freight and sea freight methods and cost coupled with customs and tariff advice, ensures the product is imported/exported without delays, unnecessary duties or penalties and at the correct cost. GSCMS Logistics air freight and sea freight consulting process includes:

1. Establish air freight and sea freight current costs, service parameters and constraints

  • Establish a project team to manage the air freight and sea freight logistics

  • Confirm existing air freight and sea freight services and cost

  • Agreed operational parameters

  • Sign off consultants' findings about current air freight and sea freight methods and logistics for measurement against outcome

2. Build alternative international air freight and sea freight options

  • Service interface required to satisfy internal/external customer needs

  • Benchmark against stage one

3. Forwarded/Agent Selection Process

  • Selection criterion of air freight and sea freight carriers specific to your requirements

  • Negotiation of contracts/service agreement with freight carriers

  • Measure against first stages

4. Implementation of air freight and sea freight logistics

  • Implementation strategy

  • Post implementation audit

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