Logistics Services


Transport and Freight Management

International Freight and Customs Advice


Logistics Channel Design


Procurement Strategies By Professional Procurement Consultants


Profit can be made at both ends of the business. With companies often spending up to 50% of income on externally supplied materials and services, procurement strategies require a measured approach. Our procurement consultants can identify and implement results through innovative procurement strategies, providing a real impact on profitability improvement.

The GSCMS Logistics procurement strategies process includes:

1. Data collection on existing procurement strategies

  • Preliminary data collection

  • Procurement consultants will identify stakeholders and their needs through workshops

  • Confirm major issues in existing procurement strategies

  • Procurement consultants to sign off with management

2. Analysis of procurement strategies

  • Review expenditure history and its components

  • By stakeholder

  • Requirements and usage patterns

  • Any unique requirements

  • Identify current procurement strategies and processes

  • Vendors

  • Categorise and identify critical goods and services

  • Identify relationship and any commercial arrangements

  • Procurement consultants to assess pricing structures

  • Benchmark procurement strategies against data base and industry standards

  • Assess current policy, procurement strategies and processes

  • Procurement consultants to get signoff by management

3. Develop new procurement strategies

  • Vendor meetings re pricing and leverage

  • Benchmarking

  • Provide options and test same

  • Assess impact of procurement strategies on all stakeholders

  • Put forward recommendations

  • Procurement consultants to get signoff by management

4. Implementation of procurement strategies

  • Identify procurement strategies of sensitivity

  • Plan tactics

  • Implement changes

  • Audit

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