Logistics Services


Transport and Freight Management

International Freight and Customs Advice


Logistics Channel Design


Transport Logistics & Freight Management


GSCMS Logistics Management is a world-class transport logistics and freight management company. We have specific software costing models and unequalled knowledge of the domestic transport industry. Our freight logistics consultants are able to reduce your organisation's transport costs and increase customer service.

Our transport logistics and freight management consulting process includes:

1. Establishing current costs, service parameters and constraints

  • Establish a freight logistics project team

  • Confirm existing services and cost of freight logistics

  • Agreed operational parameters

  • Sign off freight logistics consultants' findings for measurement against outcome

2. Build alternative freight and transport logistics options

  • Service freight logistics interface required to satisfy customer needs

  • Benchmark against stage one

3. Carrier selection process

  • Selection criteria specific to your requirements

  • Negotiation of transport logistics contracts/service agreement

  • Measure against first stages

4. Freight Logistics Implementation

  • Implementation strategy

  • Post implementation audit

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