Logistics Services


Transport and Freight Management

International Freight and Customs Advice


Logistics Channel Design


Inventory Control Management Consulting Australasia


GSCMS Logistics are world class inventory control management consultants. We employ premier inventory management systems and are specialists in stock control.

In inventory control management it is imperative that the correct balance between capital tied up in inventory, stock availability and customer satisfaction is maintained. Our inventory control management consultants provide the expertise to ensure that capital is not committed to excess or unnecessary inventory.

Our inventory control management consulting process includes;

1. Collection of data. . .

  • Determine the history and trends of inventory, per SKU and per location, in terms of values and quantities of stock and sales.

  • Our inventory control management consulting processes will establish supply and demand parameters, per SKU and per location.

  • Determine information flows and the processes and criteria for decision-making.

  • Prepare a database of the details.

2. Collection of other critical information

  • Interview key personnel, at management and operational levels, to determine the current:

  • information flows

  • decision-making processes and criteria

  • perceptions of required service levels per location

  • policies related to obsolescence and use by date

  • accountabilities

  • projected changes to supply and demand

  • Observe each stage of the inventory control management chain and the resources used.

3. Analysis

  • Analysis of data and other critical information to determine:

  • current drivers of inventory levels, including sales, stock locations, product range, perceptions of required service levels, order triggers, batch sizes and frequencies, obsolescence, distribution methods, information systems and accountabilities

  • impact of each driver on inventory levels

4. Assess options

  • Determine possible changes to current drivers which have high impact on inventory levels

  • Test feasibility of making changes, including trade-offs and risks

  • Assess the capacity of existing computer systems and software to support more

  • controlled and interactive inventory and stores processes and procedures.

5. Decide, plan and implement changes in inventory control management

  • Determine changes to be made to current drivers of inventory levels

  • Develop inventory control management action plan

  • Implement changes in inventory control management

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