IT Consulting & Design

Network Design & Implementation

IT Strategic Planning

Network Reviews & Audits

IT Security Reviews & Audits

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Planning

Business IT Relocations

Software Compliance Audits

SOE Development

Software Selection and Custom Development


IT Strategic Planning


The central aim of GSCMS IT Strategic Planning Services is to align an organisation's IT plans and projects to the business plan.

The IT Strategic Plan provides an organisation with a blueprint that identifies the core IT infrastructure required to support the business plan, identifies emerging IT trends relevant to the organisation and identifies ways of reducing the overall total cost of IT ownership.

Align IT & Business Plans ...
Identify emerging trends ...
Reduce total cost of ownership ...

The key outcomes from the IT Strategy process include:

  • Identifies the strategic direction for IT in the organisation for all key technology areas.

  • Identifies a high level network design and technology guiding principles for the organisation

  • Identifies a set of projects and solutions required to deliver the business plan. Scoped, estimated and scheduled based on business priority.

  • Identifies areas for improvement and rationalisation based on an evaluation of existing IT infrastructure, services and assets with a view to realising their full potential.

IT Organisational Review

The IT strategy process may also be used to identify an IT organizational structure and process disciplines required to grow and enable the business strategy. Alternate IT resourcing models may be explored, contrasting building and maintaining an internal IT skill set with various degrees of outsourcing.

For more information about GSCMS IT Strategic Planning services, please complete the enquiries form below or contact GSCMS on (03) 9303 3717.

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