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IT Security Reviews & Audits


The aim of information security is to safeguard your business information from unlawful access, theft or damage. ,

Prevention ...
Detection ...
Recovery ...

A well designed and comprehensive approach to information security will include prevention, detection and recovery. Meaning that in addition to incorporating protection mechanisms, organisations need to expect attacks and include detection and recovery tools and procedures in their security planning.

Accomplishing adequate protection involves using multiple defence mechanisms in layers across the network infrastructure to protect internal data, systems, networks and users. Multiple defences are used so that if one defensive measure fails there are more behind it to continue to protect the assets. This strategy is commonly referred to as Defence in Depth .

GSCMS Information Security Services offer a proactive and systematic approach to developing, testing and maintaining an effective Information Security Plan.

For more information or to have a GSCMS Information Security Planning brochure emailed to you, please complete the enquiries form.

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