IT Consulting & Design

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Software Compliance Audits

SOE Development

Software Selection and Custom Development


SOE Development


GSCMS have assisted many clients implement a Standard Operating Environment (SOE) for their workstations, servers, and IT devices. A Standard Operating Environment is designed to remove unneeded complexity from a corporate IT environment, making systems predictable, and minimising the ongoing support and management costs. GSCMS engineers will work with you to analyse your current network environment, combining an application and hardware audit with detailed analysis of required functionality from your IT systems. Based on this analysis and documentation of your corporate requirements GSCMS will design, plan and implement a Standard Operating Environment to best meet your requirements.

Simplify ...
Save ...

A Standard Operating Environment is often the answer to the following types of questions:

  • Do you spend lots of time and money fixing the same problems on different workstations?

  • Do you encounter different problems on every workstation because there is no standard configuration?

  • Do you want your employees to be able to login and work from any workstation on your network?

  • Do you want to reduce the amount of time and money that is spent putting new workstations onto your network?

For medium to large organisations a Standard Operating Environment is most easily managed with a software management package such as Altiris, HP OpenView or Novell ZenWorks. GSCMS can assist you in identifying your SOE management needs and the selection and implementation of an appropriate software package that will assist.

More Information

For more information about GSCMS IT Outsourcing, please complete the enquiries form below or call us on (03) 9303 3717.

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