IT Support & Maintenance

Network Support

IT Helpdesk Services

Remote Monitoring & Support

Hardware & Software Sales

Our Approach


Remote Monitoring


GSCMS Remote Monitoring is a proactive, network monitoring service designed to identify any system errors prior to them interrupting a clients business operations. Remote Monitoring checks for network and server faults, failures, and activity that exceeds established thresholds. As an example:

  • CPU utilisation on key servers

  • Memory utlisation on key servers

  • Hard disk capacity on key servers

  • Average number of user connections

  • Server error messages

  • Running processes and Services

  • Trends across key items such as CPU, RAM and Disk usage

If a significant network event occurs, GSCMS customer service are notified via the GSCMS Network Monitoring service. The client is then contacted and an appropriate action taken.

Remote Support

GSCMS Remote Support allows our service engineers and helpdesk staff to perform network administration tasks and one-to-one helpdesk support remotely from the GSCMS Customer Service centre. The result:

  • Reduced cost of providing support services

  • Improved responsiveness when an issue needs immediate action

  • Improved helpdesk effectiveness as GSCMS Customer Service can remotely see the users desktop screen and demonstrate answers to questions on-line.

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