Doc Scan Services

Document Scanning

Information Capture

Archiving & Retrieval

Document Management


Document Management Services


Benefits of scanning and archiving

Massive Space reductions

The contents of a four drawer filing cabinet can be translated onto a single CD. With space costs at a premium the return on the investment of scanning can be extremely fast!

Concurrent access for many people

Unless a document is photocopied, printed multiple times or already digitised then it can only be viewed by one party in one location at a time. Scanning and digitising, means the images can be loaded on electronic networks and viewed concurrently.

Data Extraction and Searchability

Once a document has been digitised the data can be extracted and analysed by a variety of means. Furthermore all text can be converted to a searchable format for easy and intelligent referencing.

Disaster Recovery

Paper records are vulnerable to damage by fire or flood. Even if the originals are maintained, there is a strong argument.

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If you have any questions, one of our documentation experts will be happy to help you.

Please call us on (03) 9303 3717, or Request More Information online.

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